Monday, December 20, 2010

Week 51: James through Jude

Less than two weeks to go before this year's journey through the Bible comes to a close. We trust that it has been a rewarding effort...and it takes effort to stick with a commitment like this for the whole year.

Perhaps you missed some reading along the way.

Not to worry!

There's always next year.

For now, we still have some great material in front of us before the year draws to a close. Here's how this week's reading unfolds:

* Weekend: James 1-5
* Monday: 1 Peter 1-5
* Tuesday: 2 Peter 1-3
* Wednesday: 1 John 1-5
* Thursday: 2 John (extra short reading...good for last-minute Christmas shopping)
* Friday: 3 John and Jude (another light reading day)

Even though we have a light reading load this week, it is rich with content. It contains some of the most practical advice that we find in the New Testament. James teaches us how to put trials and tribulations into the right perspective. He helps us "put feet" on our faith by insisting that what we believe is evidenced by how we live (novel concept, eh?). James teaches us how to "tame the tongue." He contrasts the so-called wisdom of the world and the "wisdom that comes from heaven." He helps us put our ambitions for success into perspective and he encourages us to hang in there during tough times.

Peter's two letters are equally are the letters of John and Jude. But enough commentary...

It's time to get into the Word!

Happy reading...


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