Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week 50: Titus through Hebrews

Here is this week's scheduled reading plan:

Weekend: Titus & Philemon
Monday: Hebrews 1-3
Tuesday: Hebrews 4-6
Wednesday: Hebrews 7-9
Thursday: Hebrews 10-11
Friday: Hebrews 12-13

Since WCC just completed a series on Hebrews this last Spring, I will not go into this book for the purposes of this post.

Rather, I would like to ask you to focus on the weekend reading material- the letters of Paul to Titus and Philemon.

In the letter to Titus, Paul is charging Titus with the task of appointing elders in the church. Pay attention to the qualities of the elders as per Paul. Verses 5-10 basically lay out what a leader in the church (and in the family) ought to look like. Chapter 2 raises the stakes for wives, young men and slaves as well as the men. Pay attention...

In the letter to Philemon, Paul is asking for Philemon to treat his runaway slave Onesimus as an equal as he is returning to his house. Onesimus has accepted the Lord and Paul is pleading for Philemon to look upon him as an equal going forward. To boot, Paul is saying to Philemon "Hey, if this guy owes you anything or has hurt you in any way- take it up with me to settle it. I'll cover the damages." Paul is puttting his money and life where his mouth is... knowing full well that Philemon owes much to Paul for leading him to Christ in the first place...

Here's hoping you are having a great Christmas season and I look forward to touching bases with you again when we start reading all over again!!!


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