Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 38: Taking God at his Word

Here's the Bible reading for the week of September 18-24, 2011:

* Sunday (Epistles): Philemon
* Monday (Law): Numbers 21-24
* Tuesday (History): 2 Chronicles 1-5
* Wednesday (Psalms): Psalms 111-113
* Thursday (Poetry): Proverbs 25
* Friday (Prophecy): Amos 5-9
* Saturday (Gospels): John 19-21


Numbers 22:21-31. In this passage of Scripture, Balaam's donkey sees what the prophet could not see...the Angel of the Lord with his sword drawn, ready to take Balaam's life. Balaam, not knowing that the donkey is privy to divine truth that he is not, beats the animal. Then God gave the donkey the ability to speak...and finally opened Balaam's eyes to see the angel.

This is one of the most fascinating passages in the Bible for a couple of reasons. First, it is remarkable that Balaam did not bolt off his animal when it spoke to him. Instead, Balaam entered into conversation with the donkey as though it were the most normal thing in the world. Second, it is fascinating that the Angel of the Lord met Balaam on his way to Balak, king of Moab. Why was God so angry? It is because God had already told Balaam not to go to Moab and prophesy against the Israelites (which is why Balak wanted Balaam to come!). When more prestigious leaders showed up on Balaam's front porch, he decided to inquire of the Lord a second time...even though God had already given him clear instructions not to go with Balak's men.

The moral of the story is that situations may change, but the Lord's will does not. Whenever we allow the attractiveness of a certain temptation to cause us to "rethink" the morality of a given behavior...even though God has given us clear guidance in his word, we run the risk of committing the sin of Balaam. In the end, Balaam could not violate God's command not to curse the Israelites. But instead...and in order to please Balak, who had paid him a handsome sum to do his bidding...Balaam counseled Moab's king to induce the Israelites into moral compromise.

Bottom line: we can't bargain with evil. It will get the best of us every time. God's moral standards do not change...even when society's attitude toward God's decrees does.

O Lord, please give us the faith to take you at your word. We live in a world of moral compromise. Help us to remember that neither you nor your word changes like shifting shadows. And give us the inner strength to stand with you and your ways...even when it is not popular to do so. For Jesus sake, amen!

Have a great week!


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