Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 38: Jonah, Micah, Nahum & Habakkuk

Here is the reading schedule for this week:

* Weekend: Jonah
* Monday: Micah 1-2
* Tuesday: Micah 3-5
* Wednesday: Micah 6-7
* Thursday: Nahum
* Friday: Habakkuk

We will knock out 4 books this week! Like it has been described earlier, we are in the middle of reading the books of the Minor Prophets, but if you have been keeping up with the reading, these books are anything but minor. How are the books speaking to you personally?

This week we start with Jonah- one of my personal favorites! This is a story of a prophet who disobeys God when given a direct order. Jonah is afraid to prophesy to the people of Nineveh because he fears for his life as he thinks he will be killed or hurt very badly when they reject God's word. He takes the long route to achieving his objective and eventually succeeds. What lesson can you pull from his story?

Micah displays the power of prophecy, especially in chapter 5. Hmmm... who do you think he is describing???

Nahum is about another prophecy to Nineveh, this time about 150 years after Jonah fulfilled his mission. Nineveh has fallen away from God again and this time God is determined to demonstrate His judgment as opposed to the mercy He showed in Jonah's day...

Habakkuk is a cool read- it is partly a dialogue with God about why evil is allowed to "prosper" in the world... sound kinda familiar? Well, God answers that He is truly in control and that He will act and react according to His will. The main thing we all need to realize is that we must live in faith- faith that God is good and that He will care for those who choose to have a relationship with Him.

We really hope you are keeping up and are finding enjoyment and/or fulfillment in the Word. Keep on reading and please let us know what you are thinking if you like!

Have a great week!!!


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