Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Week 26: Psalms 112-144

The book of Psalms continues this week with the following plan:

*  Weekend:  Psalms 112-118
*  Monday:  Psalms 119
*  Tuesday:  Psalms 120-127
*  Wednesday:  Psalms 128-135
*  Thursday:  Psalms 136-139
*  Friday:  Psalms 140-144

This is the last full week of reading the Psalms.  Last week, Dick shared some examples of how this book plays an integral part of his and his family's spiritual health.  The instruction Dick gave was "to make the Psalms your own."  This means that different Psalms will resonate more with you based on where you are in your spiritual walk.  There are Psalms of praise, of pain and of repentance among others.  As you read the Psalms and if one really grabs you, please print it out or write it out and post it in a prominent place.

Two Psalms stand out for me:  Psalm 25 and Psalm 119.  The first Psalm is a prayer for forgiveness.  This is posted above my desk in my work office.  It is my reminder to live a life with integrity, yet still humble myself to know that I sin repeatedly and am in constant need of forgiveness.  A reminder that I cannot do life without God.

The second Psalm is more about a verse as opposed to the whole chapter.  Psalm 119:105 is the first memory verse I was taught in church as a kid.  I remember it in the King James version and I suppose that is always how I will remember it:  "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

Have you found a Psalm to own? 

Have a great week- sorry for the late posting!


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