Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 9: Rules that Give Life

The Bible reading plan for this week is as follows:

*Sunday: Leviticus 19:1-20:21; Mark 8:11-38; Psalm 42:1-11; Proverbs 10:17
*Monday: Leviticus 20:22-22:16; Mark 9:1-29; Psalm 43:1-5; Proverbs 10:18
*Tuesday: Leviticus 22:17-23:44; Mark 9:30-10:12; Psalm 44:1-8; Proverbs 10:19
*Wednesday: The One-Year Reading plan does not have a reading for a Leap Year. Enjoy the reading of your choice!
*Thursday: Leviticus 24:1-25:46; Mark 10:13-31; Psalm 44:9-26; Proverbs 10:20-21
*Friday: Leviticus 25:47-27:13; Mark 10:32-52; Psalm 45:1-17; Proverbs 10:22
*Saturday: Leviticus 27:14-Numbers 1:54; Mark 11:1-26; Psalm 46:1-11; Proverbs 10:23

Our S.O.A.P. for this week is from Leviticus 19:37

Scripture: Leviticus 19:37
You must be careful to obey all of my laws and regulations, for I am the LORD.

When reading through all the laws and regulations, it's easy to get tangled up in questions like "why did God ask his people to follow all these rules"? Or questions like: "do these rules have any meaning for us Christians who live in the era of grace"? "If so, how does it apply to my life, and if not, why am I even reading them?"

I've asked these questions myself many times. There was a time in my life where I was trying to live by these rules, then there was a time where I argued fervently against these rules by claiming we are free Christians, free from the law, living by God's grace.

I've come to a point where I really appreciate reading through these laws and regulations. I know I am a free Christian, that Christ paid for my sins, and that he fulfilled the law by dying on a cross for me. He was the ultimate sacrifice that validated and superseded all sacrifices made under the old covenant. I also know that the law is a "tutor" (Galatians 3:24). Without the law, we wouldn't know what is right or wrong.

But there is more to it. Our SOAP verse keeps coming back in the book of Leviticus. We saw it last week in Leviticus 18:3-5. The secret to understanding the meaning behind the laws and regulations is found in verse 5 of that chapter: "If you obey my laws and regulations, you will find life through them. I am the LORD".

See, that's the key to understanding the meaning of the laws and regulations: they give life! We will find life through them if we obey the essence of them. We don't have to obey them to the letter, like the Pharisees did, but we have to uncover God's meaning behind these laws. We have to ask ourselves the question: why did God give this particular law or regulation? Ultimately He did it so that we can find life. Leviticus 19 is a wonderful example of regulations that give life! Look at a snapshot of some of the regulations:

* show respect for your mother and father (v3)
* observe my day of rest (v3)
* do not put your trust in idols (v4)
* do not go to the extreme in harvesting your crop, but leave some for the poor (v9 & 10)
* do not steal, cheat, or lie (v11)
* treat your employees fairly (v13)
* treat your neighbor fairly (v15)
* do not gossip (v16)
* never seek revenge (v18)

Do you see how this world would be a better place if only everyone lived by these rules?! And this is only a snapshot. The LORD really had the best in mind for us when he gave us these rules. He wanted to make sure we help the weak and poor, and show love and respect to all. That's ultimately what these laws and regulations are all about. It's not that I have to follow them, but rather that I want to follow them, because they bring life the way God intended it.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for your laws and regulations. You truly intended life for us when you gave them. Forgive me when I do not follow these rules, when I do not show love to my neighbor. I want to become more like your Son Jesus Christ, who showed us the true meaning of all this. In His Name we pray, Amen.

Have a great week!


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