Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week 15: Dialogue with God

This week, the reading plan is as follows:

* Sunday (epistles): I Corinthians 13-14
* Monday (the Law): Exodus 5-8
* Tuesday (history): I Samuel 21-25
* Wednesday (psalms): Psalms 42-44
* Thursday (poetry): Job 29-30
* Friday (prophecy): Jeremiah 12-16
* Saturday (gospels): Mark 9-10

These passages contain a lot of dialogue / arguing with God. In Exodus 5-8, we see Moses arguing with God (see for example Ex.5:22 & 6:12). In I Samuel 23:11, we see David plead with the Lord to answer him on some practical issues. In Job 29-30, we see Job make his final case to defend his innocence before the Lord. In Jeremiah 12, we see Jeremiah complaining to God. In I Corinthians 14, we see Paul give instructions on speaking in tongues - which is speaking to God directly (1 Cor.14:2).

When you read these passages, at first it might seem somewhat disturbing to see so many different people talking with God in so many different ways, sometimes even calling Him out because they don't agree with what He does. But you know what... God actually likes to have this dialogue with us, because He cares deeply about us. He is our Father, and we are His children, and He wants his children to talk to him.

Heavenly Father, we thank you that we can call you Abba, Father. We thank you that we are your children, and that we can talk to you just like we can talk to our earthly fathers and mothers and family and friends. When we are upset, you want us to share that with you. When we are sad, you are there to listen and comfort us. And when we have praises, Lord we want to bring them all to you, for you are worthy of all our praise. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Wishing you many meaningful dialogues with Him this week.


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