Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Week 7: Keeping Your Word

Sunday: Romans 13-14 (Epistles)
Monday: Genesis 24-27 (Law)
Tuesday: Judges 7-11 (History)
Wednesday: Psalms 18-20 (Psalms)
Thursday: Job 13-14 (Poetry)
Friday: Isaiah 34-39 (Prophecy)
Saturday: Matthew 17-19 (Gospels)

In this week's reading the following story is told that always wrecks me: The promise of Jephthah to the Lord in Judges Ch. 11:29-40.

In this passage Jephthah makes a vow to the Lord in return for success- the heartbreaker is that his vow will cost him his only daughter... The amazing part of the story is how the daughter exhibits faith and wisdom beyond her years knowing full well her life has been made forfeit as a result of her father's promise.

In my life I take away two things from this passage:

1) Making a promise to the Lord is not something to be taken lightly. Most times these promises are empty as they are made under duress and/or under the strong influence of emotion. How many times have I promised God something and then not lived up to it? Too many times to count.

2) The wisdom of children is a beautiful thing. It's too bad we grow up and take life too seriously. Children "get it." I am too busy and wrapped up in myself sometimes that I totally miss what life is really about. Jephthah's daughter exhibits total maturity and faith while knowing her life is forfeit to the Lord. She is granted two months to mourn and lived those months with high integrity, not even giving in to earthly pleasures.

My prayer for this week is have the wisdom and courage to make my "Yes" a true "Yes" and my "No" to be likewise.

Be of good cheer and faith this week!

In Him,


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