The reading plan for this week is:
- Weekend: 1 Kings 1 - 4
- Monday: 1 Kings 5 - 8
- Tuesday: 1 Kings 9 - 11
- Wednesday: 1 Kings 12 - 16
- Thursday: 1 Kings 17 - 19
- Friday: 1 Kings 20 - 22
The book of 1 Kings continues where 2 Samuel left off: the end of king David's reign, and the beginning of Solomon's. David has subdued all his enemies and has brought an era of peace for the nation of Israel. He leaves this kingdom to Solomon, son of David and Bathsheba. Under Solomon's reign the nation of Israel reaches its pinnacle in fame and wealth. 1 Kings 10 describes all Solomon's splendor - "Nothing was made of silver, because silver was considered of little value in Solomon's days". Can you imagine...
Solomon's wisdom is what made him so famous. In the beginning of his reign, he did the right thing by asking God for wisdom instead of wealth. But as God granted his wish and was pleased with him, later on in his life, the fame and wisdom led to narcissistic and sinful behavior. Everyone wanted to see and listen to Solomon, and everyone brought gifts... and women, I suppose. The poor man ends up with 700 wives and 300 concubines!! Can you imagine that! Despite God's warning that women from foreign religions would lead his people astray, the Bible tells us: "Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love". And as Solomon grew old, these women lead him astray with their idols, and his heart was not fully devoted to God anymore.
As ridiculous as that story may sound, and as stupid as we may think Solomon is by doing this, this story might be closer to home than you think. How many of us take our wealth for granted, and how many times has it led you astray from God? I cannot count my own mistakes on two hands any longer...
Solomon's sin ultimately leads to the division of the nation of Israel into two parts, the tribe of Judah for Solomon's descendents, and one tribe for Jeroboam and his descendents, one of Solomon's adversaries. We read about all the kings that reign either part, both good kings and bad kings. One bad king in particular, Ahab and his interactions with the prophet Elijah are described in detail.
Enjoy the reading, as we celebrate the Lord's death and resurrection this weekend as well. Because of Him, we have found grace and mercy in God's eyes, and even our worst mistakes are washed clean by His blood. What an amazing God and Lord and Savior we have!